NOTIFICATION (G . O . (P) No. 14/2010 dt. 02.03.2010 ) |
Sl No | Name of offence | Section & Rules | Penal Section | Amount | Remarks |
| | | | | |
1 | General provision for punishment of offences | | 177 | 100.00 | |
2 | Penalty for traveling without pass or ticket and for dereliction of duty on the part of conductor | | 178 (1) | 500.00 | |
178 (2) | 500.00 |
3 | Refusal of ply contract carriage | | 178(3) | 50.00 | in case of two wheeler or three wheeled motor vehicles |
200.00 | in the case of other vehicles. |
4 | Disobedience of orders obstruction and refusal of information | | 179(1) 179(2) | 500.00 500.00 | |
5 | Allowing unauthorized persons to drive vehicles | | 180 | 1000.00 | |
6 | Driving vehicles in contravention of Section 3 or Section 4 | | 181 | 500.00 | |
7 | Offences relating to licenses | | 182(1) | 500.00 | in the case of NTV |
500.00 | in the case of TV |
8 | Disqualified person holding conductors license or act as conductor | | 182 (2) | 100.00 | |
9 | Driving at excessive speed | | 183 (1) | 400.00 | in the case of NTV |
400.00 | in the case of TV |
10 | Allowing any person to drive vehicle in excessive speed | | 183 (2) | 300.00 | in the case of NTV |
300.00 | in the case of TV |
11 | Driving dangerously | | 184 | 1000.00 | |
12 | Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive | | 186 | 200.00 | |
13 | Racing and trials of speed | | 189 | 500.00 | |
14 | Violate the standards of road safety control of noise and pollution | | 190(2) | 1000.00 | |
15 | Sale of vehicle in or alteration of vehicle to condition contravercing in this act. | | 191 | 500.00 | |
16 | Using vehicle without registration | | 192(1) | 2000.00 | in the case of NTV |
| in the case of TV |
2000.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
17 | Driving vehicle exceeding permissible weight | | 194 | 2000.00 | and additional amount of Rs 1000 for every tone of the excess load |
18 | Driving uninsured vehicle | | 196 | 1000.00 | in the case of NTV |
1000.00 | in the case of TV |
19 | Unauthorized interference with vehicle | | 198 | 100.00 | |
Driver |
20 | Driver vehicle without valid license | S3(1) | S181 | 500.00 | |
21 | Driving Transport vehicle without Authorization | S3(1) | S181 | 500.00 | |
22 | Disqualified person driving /applying and obtaining Driver License (Offence relating to license) | S182 | S182(1) | 500.00 | in the case of NTV |
500.00 | in the case of TV |
23 | Driving vehicle without valid R . C | S 39 | S192(1) | 2000.00 | in the case of NTV |
| in the case of TV |
2000.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
24 | Driving vehicle without valid C F | S 56 | S192(1) | 3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
25 | Driving vehicle without insured against third party risk | S 146 | S196 | 1000.00 | in the case of NTV |
1000.00 | in the case of TV |
26 | Using the vehicle in unsafe condition violating the standards of road safety | | 190(2) | 1000.00 | |
27 | Driving vehicle when mentally or physically unfit to drive | | 186 | 200.00 | |
28 | Driving vehicle in excess of speed limit (Driver) | S112 | S183 (1) | 400.00 | in the case of NTV |
400.00 | in the case of TV |
29 | Driving vehicle recklessly or dangerously | S 184 | S 184 | 1000.00 | |
30 | Racing and trail of speed between motor vehicles | | 189 | 500.00 | |
31 | Penalty for traveling without pass or ticket | | 178(1) | 500.00 | |
32 | Refusal to ply contract carriage | (b) 178 (3) | 178 (3) | 50.00 | for 2 & 3 wheelers |
200.00 | other vehicles |
33 | Leaving vehicle in dangerous position or causing inconvenience to others | S 122 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
34 | Dis-obeying traffic signals\direction by authority | S 179 (1) | S 179 (1) | 500.00 | |
35 | Dis-obeying lawful direction/ obstructing discharge of functions of authority | S 179 (1) | S 179 (1) | 500.00 | |
36 | Failure to stop vehicle when demanded | S 132 (1) | 179 | 500.00 | |
37 | Failure to produce D. L on demand | S 130(1) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
38 | Failure to produce R C / C F when demanded | S 130(3) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
39 | Failure to produce insurance certificate | S 158(1) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
40 | Failure to produce permit on demand | S158 (d) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
41 | Giving false information or withholding information | S 179 (2) | S 179 (2) | 500.00 | |
42 | Carrying more than one person a two wheeled motor cycle | S 128 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
43 | Carrying person on running board | S 123 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
44 | Obstruction of driver | S 125 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
45 | Failure to produce ' Driving Badge' on demand | SR46(1)(a) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
46 | Exhibiting any advertisement on transport vehicle without sanction from transport authority | SR 191 | 177 | 100.00 | |
47 | Failure to wear prescribed uniform | SR 41 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
48 | Failure to produced 'D Badge' on demand | SR 42 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
49 | Smoking chewing or be under the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug | SR 46(2) (J) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
50 | Replenishing fuel tank with passenger in the vehicle | SR 46(2) (O) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
51 | Overloading with passenger with goods or luggage | SR 199 | 192 | 500.00 | in the case of NTV |
| in the case of TV |
500.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
1000.00 | in the case of LMV |
2000.00 | in the case of MMV |
3000.00 | in the case of HMV |
52 | No spare driver in national permit goods carriage | CR 90 (4) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
53 | Overloading with passengers or luggage violating the permit conditions | S 66 | S 192 | 500.00 | in the case of NTV |
| in the case of TV |
500.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
1000.00 | in the case of LMV |
2000.00 | in the case of MMV |
3000.00 | in the case of HMV |
54 | Delaying or not observing time schedule (Driver) | SR 46 (2) (M) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
55 | Violating the rule of taxi stand (motor car stand rules- driver) | SR 203 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
56 | Failure to maintain trip sheet ( stage carriage) | SR 224 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
57 | Prohibition of using multi toned Horn or with other sound producing device giving and unduly harsh shrill loud and alarming noise which affects the control of noise standards | CR 119(2) | S 177 | 300.00 | |
58 | Failure to set taximeter motion when plying for hire | SR 29 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
59 | Failure to fit taximeter \ get it sealed or running with defective meter | Sr 296 (b)(c) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
60 | Goods vehicle driving with excess load | S 113 (3) | S 194 | 2000.00 | + Rs. 1000/-for each tone excess |
61 | Carrying more than 6 person in addition to driver in a goods carriage | SR 46 (3) (a) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
62 | Carrying more persons in Cabin beyond the number permitted | SR 46 (3) (a) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
63 | Allowing to the persons in Cabin beyond the number permitted | SR 46 (3) (b) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
64 | Carrying animals without providing sufficient safe room | SR 197 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
65 | Vehicle loaded in dangerous manner or with load beyond limits of projection | CR 93 (8) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
66 | Failure to produce G C R/ not maintained | SR 162 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
67 | Failure to produce bill of loading | SR 90(3) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
68 | Behaving not in civil and orderly manner to passengers and intending passenger | SR 46 (2) (b) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
69 | Registration mark not in prescribed size | CR 51 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
70 | a) Not exhibiting the registration mark of the vehicle other than prescribed manner b) Not exhibiting the registration mark on the side c) Not exhibiting the registration mark in side | CR 50 CR 50 (b) CR 50 (c) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
71 | Carrying goods in public service vehicle which is liable to foul the interior of the vehicle or to render it in sanitary | 154 (1) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
72 | Not deflecting the head lamp | CR 106 (1) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
73 | Exhibiting destination board S/C other than the prescribed manner | SR 209 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
74 | Destination Board not illuminated | SR 210 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
75 | Failure to run stage carriage according to time schedule | SR 213 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
76 | Sale vehicle in or alteration as vehicle contravening of chapter VII | 191 | 191 | 500.00 | |
77 | Allowing use of vehicle without valid registration | S 39 | S192(1) | 2000.00 | in the case of NTV |
| in the case of TV |
200.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
78 | Allowing unauthorized person to drive vehicle | S180 | S180 | 1000.00 | |
79 | Allowing use of transport vehicle without valid C F | S 56 | S192(1) | 2000.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
S 39 | S192(1) | 2000.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
80 | Allowing use of transport vehicle without valid third party insurance | S 146 | S 196 | 1000.00 | |
81 | Allowing to drive the vehicle by unauthorized person ( without license without badge without attaining the age) | S 52 | S 180 | 1000.00 | |
82 | Allowing un-licensed un-authorized person to act as a conductor of a stage carriage | S 29 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
83 | Allowing the use of vehicle violating the standards of road safety noise & air pollution | S 190 | S 190 (2) | 1000.00 | |
84 | Alteration of vehicle without sanction | S 52 | 190 | 1000.00 | |
85 | Allowing to leave vehicle in dangerous position on causing inconvenience to others ( only when owner is in charge at the time ) | S 122 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
86 | Failure to fit taxi meter get it sealed or running with defective meter | SR 296 (b)(c) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
87 | Causing a person under his employment or control to drive a vehicle at excessive speed | S 112 (1) | S 183(2) | 300.00 | |
88 | Failure to produced R C ( if the owner present at the time | S 130 (3) | 177 | 100.00 | |
89 | Particular not pained on left side of the transport vehicle | SR 93 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
90 | Failure to maintain trip register stage carriage | SR 226 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
91 | Will fully dis-obeying lawful direction of competent authority or obstructing such person or authority in the discharge of lawful duty | S 179 (1) | S 179 (1) | 500.00 | |
92 | Functioning as a conductor without license | S 29 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
93 | Disqualified person acting as a conductor | S 182(2) | S 182 (2) | 100.00 | |
94 | Giving false information or withholding information | S 179 (2) | 179 (2) | 500.00 | |
95 | Allowing passengers to be in the vehicle when fuel tank is replenished | SR89(W) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
96 | Not conduct duties and function of conductor ( Dereliction of duty on the part of conductor) | S 178 (1) | S 178 (1) | 500.00 | |
97 | Disobeying lawful direction obstructing discharge of function | S 179 (1) | S 179 (1) | 500.00 | |
98 | Failure to produce license and badge on demand | S 130 (1) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
99 | Failure to wear prescribed uniform | SR 85 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
100 | Failure to write trip sheet | SR 224 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
101 | Failure to keep first aid box | SR 151 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
102 | Ticket not issued to every passenger | S 178 (a) | S 178 (1) | 500.00 | |
103 | Failure to run S\C according to time schedule | SR 213 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
104 | Not carrying counter foils of the ticket issued | SR 86 (b) | S 178(1) | 500.00 | |
105 | Not behaving civil and orderly manner to passengers and indenting passengers | SR 89 (b) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
106 | Not maintaining the vehicle in clear and sanitary condition | SR 89(c) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
107 | Not exhibiting destination board in proper manner | SR89(i) SR 209 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
108 | Destination board not illuminated | SR 210 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
109 | Smoke or chew pan or under influence of any intoxicating drinks or drugs | SR 89(m) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
110 | Exhibiting any advertisement on transport vehicle without sanction from transport authority | SR 191 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
111 | Carrying any corpse in stage carriage except when used as a contract carriage | SR 220 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
112 | Carry petrol or other inflammable substance in the stage carriage | SR 327 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
113 | Cause to allow a motor vehicle to be left in a position likely to cause undue inconvenience to other road users | S 122 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
114 | Carrying goods in public service vehicle which is liable to foul the interior of the vehicle or to render its sanitary | 154 (1) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
115 | Permit any person to be carried on the running board or otherwise than with in the body of the vehicle | S 123 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
116 | Carrying any cropes in any stage carriage except when used as contract carriage | SR 220 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
117 | Carry petrol or other inflammable substances in the stage carriage | SR327 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
118 | Cause to allow a motor vehicle to be left in a position likely to cause undue in-convenience to other road users | S 122 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
119 | Carrying goods in public service vehicle which is liable to foul the interior of the vehicle or to render in sanitary | 154 (1) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
120 | Permit any person to be carried on the running board or otherwise than with in the body of the vehicle | S 123 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
121 | Failure to refuse to accept the tendered fare | S 178(2) | S 178(2) | 500.00 | |
122 | Issue and invalid ticket | S 178(2) | S 178(2) | 500.00 | |
123 | Wiper not fitted | CR 101 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
124 | Wind screen glass not fitted | CR 100 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
125 | Side mirror not fitted | SR 251 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
126 | No spare wheel | SR 262 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
127 | No brake light or indicators | CR 102 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
128 | Not exhibiting side particulars | SR 93 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
129 | Not exhibiting of fare table in contract carriage | SR 156 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
130 | Driver of motor cab not proceed by the shortest route | SR 202 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
131 | Registration mark not in clear and legible condition (Transport) | CR 50 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
132 | Head light not working | CR 105 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
133 | Horn not fitted or not working | CR 119 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
134 | Reflector not fitted | CR 104 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
135 | Painted in olive green or Navy blue color | CR 121 (1) SR 259 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
136 | Silencer not fitted | CR 120 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
137 | Internal lightning not provided | SR 286 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
138 | Provision of audio visual radio or tape recorder type system in stage carriage affects and violate road safety and control of noise | SR 289 | 190(2) | 1000.00 | |
139 | Registration mark and other marks not kept in clean condition | SR 363 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
140 | No light on registration mark | SR 362 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
141 | Parking lamp not working | SR 360(2) | S 177 | 100.00 | |
142 | Top lights not fitted on the goods vehicle | CR 107 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
143 | Speedometer not fitted or not working | CR 117 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
144 | Not provided safety devices in motor cycle | CR123 CR 255 | S 177 S 177 | 100.00 100.00 | |
145 | Registration of the vehicle is expired | CR 52(3) | S192(1) | 2000.00 | in the case of NTV |
| in the case of TV |
2000.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
146 | Highway yellow not painted | SR 304 | S 177 | 100.00 | |
147 | Temporary registration expired | S 43 | S192(1) | 2000.00 | in the case of NTV |
| in the case of TV |
2000.00 | in the case of 2 & 3 wheelers |
3000.00 | in the case of LMV |
4000.00 | in the case of MMV |
5000.00 | in the case of HMV |
148 | Violate the standards of the pollution | S 190(2) | 190 (2) | 1000.00 | |
149 | Unauthorized interference with vehicle hampers with the brake or any part of mechanism | S 198 | 198 | 100.00 | |
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